The Gallifreyan Gazette Pages

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Steven Moffatt talks about plans for the 50th anniversary celebration of Dr. Who - well, sort of

A young Steven Moffatt catches up on his reading.
Let the rumors continue.

With the 50th anniversary of Dr. Who coming up in 2013, fans are eager to know how the BBC plans to celebrate.

"It’ll be amazing," executive producer Steven Moffatt recently told TVLine.

As for specifics?

“It won’t be just one thing…. We’ll be doing lots of stuff,” Moffat said. “The plans are quite extensive, and changing all the time. Oh my God, we will hit that year very, very hard indeed.”

No, really, we want specifics.

“I’ve got various plans, but all I can say emphatically is it will be huge,” he said.

How about certain guest stars - wink, wink?

“Possibly ... It’s so far in the future, it’s only a set of notions,” Moffatt said.

If only our TARDIS wasn't in the shop ...

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