The Gallifreyan Gazette Pages

Monday, August 8, 2011

Torchwood: Miracle Day - The Categories of Life Review (Spoilers)

Torchwood: Miracle Day
Episode 5 - The Categories of Life

Wow.  Wow what an episode.  I definitely did not see what was coming in this episode.  I had some guesses but I didn't think that they would go ahead and do what they did.  Well The Categories of Life

was probably the last that we have seen of Dr Vera Juarez for awhile.  Considered that she was burned alive I'll say that she won't be back at all.  But if she is back and her body reforms because of the Miracle could you imagine her mental state of living through that. Since the horrible truth about the relocation camps have been discovered by Rex in California and Gwen in Wales it is so reminiscent of the Nazi concentration camps.  Pretty scary.
I found The Categories of Life to be a very intense story to watch.  Not only did you have  the drama of the relocation camps but you also had the elevation of Oswald Danes into the new Messiah.    It is really disconcerting to see a criminal like Danes being elevated in this way but as is being shown people are mesmerized by his message.   I did like the way that Jack tried to reason with him to get him on his side to take down Phicorp to only have it blow up in his face.  It will be interesting to see how this develops. 
Rex and Esther had some good moments also as they went undercover to see what is happening in the relocation camps.  But you had to feel for Rex as he saw Vera getting killed.  Since the two are romantically linked it mad her demise all that more hard to watch. All lot was revealed in this episode and still there are a lot more questions that need to be revealed.  Since we are at the half way point with only 5 more episodes to go I'm thinking that things will be coming to a head.  I mean were half way through and revelations will need to happen. 

It was good to see Rhys back in action instead of being the guy on the other end of the phone holding the baby.  But it was his story with Gwen trying to save her father was pretty sad.  Cause if she just left him there then he wouldn't have had second heart attack and be headed to the waiting area to be cremated.  you really have to feel for Gwen cause she was doing what anyone would do for her father.  But it was the closing moments when she put two and two together that you really got a sense of what was happening.  When she told Rhys that they were burning the bodies you got that pit in your stomach feeling.  now that is pretty good drama and intensity that makes you wanna see what is going to happen next. 

This was a good episode as it grabbed me from the begging and I was on the edge of the coach dieing to see what happens next. Well maybe dieing is not the right word but anyway this episode was really good and definitely raises the bar from the previous two episodes.  Hopefully the next 5 episodes will be just as good as these 5 were.  Since we are at the midway (yes i know I've said that already) I didn't think that Torchwood would be this good.  I thought it would be alright with a couple of good episodes but never did I think that it would be this fantastic.  I have high hopes for the rest of the season and hopefully I won't be let down.
Grade A

1 comment:

  1. Nice review. I agree - very intense episode that had a lot of twists and turns. I'm definitely watching the rest of the series now & I hope it does't disappoint.
