The Gallifreyan Gazette Pages

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Sometimes, a Superman costume can be less than, well, super

Henry Cavill is the latest to don the super outfit.
Pictures from the set of "Man of Steel" have ignited a debate over the Superman costume worn by Henry Cavill. We weighed in a couple of days ago ("Where are Superman's pants?"), arguing that the latest incarnation of the super-suit makes the Last Son of Krypton look like he's covered in Saran Wrap.

Add Alan Kistler, "Agent of S.T.Y.L.E.," to the list of critics. Writing at
I hate the color tones. This looks as if Superman washed his costume too many times and just stopped caring. I understand not wanting to seem overly bright or circus-like, but muting the colors this much takes away from a character who is supposed to be inspirational and a symbol of hope. That, along with the other design elements, indicates that this movie and its creators might be trying to play Superman as "alien soldier" rather than "superhero." It wouldn't be surprising. There are several films and live-action show adaptations that have steered away from reminding the audience that the character was based on a comic book. But guess what? This is Superman. He's the reason "superhero" became a household word. We all know he's a superhero. The secret's out. So embrace it already.

Kistler, though, takes the issue a step further, reviewing the costumes worn by both Christopher Reeve and Brandon Routh, as well. It's an entertaining read, which you can check out here.
The most super of them all - Christopher Reeve.
That look on Brandon Routh's face - is he searching for the costume designer?

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