The Gallifreyan Gazette Pages

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Torchwood: Miracle Day - The Bloodline Review (Bloody Spoilers Ahead)

Torchwood: Miracle Day

Episode 10 - The Bloodline
By Russell T. Davies and Jane Espenson

"And today's the day that I kill him."

WOW! Wow, wow, wow, and wow.  Torchwood: Miracle Day -The Bloodline was a perfect ending to a wonderful series of 10 great episodes and The Bloodline was no exception. 

Bloodline was awesome.  It was everything you would want in an episode.  It was emotional, it was tense,it was pretty sad, it was dramatic and most of all it had an ending that made sense.  In case you didn't figure it out the Blessing caused the Miracle when the 3 Families gave it Captain Jacks blood.  So since Jack is the only mortal left his blood now can change everything back to normal.  See where everything is heading Jack must give up his blood and simply die to fix the world.  But Jack didn't count on having his blood enter the Blessing at both Buenas Aries and Shang Hi.  But all is not lost as Rex transfused Jacks blood into him so in fact there plan will work.  That's all I'm gonna say except for those who are fans of Captain Jack he does make it through the episode but not everyone does and that is all I'm gonna say about that.  If you need to know really bad follow me on Twitter (@the_knights87) and DM me and I'll respond.  You get attached to these characters and hope that they come through all alright. That's what makes Torchwood so great as it doesn't necessary have a happy ending but an ending. So be warned tears will be shed

What was so satisfying about Bloodlines was that there was no fluff or reset switch (well sort of).  Russell T. Davies and Jane Espenson crafted a story that had you sitting on the edge of your seat.  All season long the writing had been terrific and I had worries about The Bloodline. We have all known how Russell ends the season on Dr Who with a lot of fluff and fanfare and just a big potpourri of stuff thrown in. Well not to be here as the story was straight forward and everything made sense.  It had it's moments of dramatic speeches which is a staple for Russell T. Davies and Bloodlines has a pretty good by Oswald Danes.  In fact Oswald Danes again pretty much stole the show.  Bill Pullman had done a wonderful job bringing Oswald Danes to life.   There hasn't been a character that has been this creepy and demonic and just out right strange.  When I think back on Miracle Day Bill Pullmans performance will be what I remember most.  I really enjoyed watching this episode as it was pretty dramatic. 

Torchwood Miracle Day was a very entertaining series.  I have enjoyed watching it every week as the stories have been very good with a lot of moments that make you go OMG and WTF.   This incarnation of Torchwood was light on sci-fi or should I say the alien of the week that tends to get boring once in a while so it was very entertaining for Russell T. Davies to try something different and concentrate on storytelling.  For  all that went on in this story Miracle Day will be remembered for it's storytelling.  For hooking the audience in and keeping them hooked with an intelligent and adult story.  I did liked how the story was wrapped up and the window was left open for a new season somewhere down the line.   With Rex being like Captain Jack (he does have his blood) and Jilly ( what a great and evil character she is) walking away with her contact from the 3 Families.  Thanks for those mysteries to ponder over until the next series Russell.  So in closing Torchwood: Miracle Day - The Bloodline was a very ending to a wonderful series that had a lot of heartbreak and fantastic moments.  It was a story that saw the good guys win and bad people redeem themselves. also left us thinking.  So good job Torchwood crew and I can't wait for series 5. 
Grade A+


  1. I agree - very entertaining last episode to the series.

  2. This season was so disappointing that part of me wishes that the show would die a merciful death.

    But if it doesn't, here are my 5 wishes for any future series:
