The Gallifreyan Gazette Pages

Friday, September 9, 2011

'Torchwood: Miracle Day" - a Spoiler-Free Review of the Finale

Do Jack and Gwen get a happy ending?
You haven't seen "The Blood Line" yet, but you can read about it. Den of Geek! has published a spoiler-free review for episode 10 of "Torchwood: Miracle Day." Yes, we could not resist the temptation and read it, which you can do by clicking here. True to the word of post author Simon Brew, he stays away from any plot spoilers. Instead, you get tantalizing tidbits like this. 
As an hour-long rollercoaster ride, there’s a lot to commend The Blood Line for. You’re certainly not going to be bored for the duration of its running time, just that you might just be a bit frustrated, if anything. That said, there’s space for every character arc to get some solid work, and lots of people get a bit of a rough ride this time around.
Want to know more? Read it yourself.

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