The Gallifreyan Gazette Pages

Monday, October 3, 2011

A Converstation, via Twitter, with John Barrowman

The world, according to Jack.
Live forever and you, too, can learn valuable lessons.

For instance, according to John Barrowman, immortality brings with it the ability to run in a long coat.

He was joking, of course (we think), but that was among the questions that the actor fielded Sunday during a Twitter chat with Latin American fans via BBC Entertainment Latin America.

Below are some of the highlights. For the entire transcript on Facebook, click here.

@Carlos_S01 Hi John keep up the good work! Is there any chance of Captain Jack appearing on #DoctorWho soon?

Not that I know of but I never say never. I'd love Captain Jack to be involved with the Doctor Who anniversary #JBenVivo

@Sariah11 What is your inspiration to characterize Captain Jack?

Jacks like me, we both like a good time. I pulled from my own personality and all the super heros I have loved over the years. #JBenVivo
What does the character of 'Jack H.' mean to John Barrowman? @Ius_Allis

Jack H has changed John Barrowmans life and I am truly grateful to be playing a Hero. #JBenVivo

Cp Jack is immortal but you aren't, is it contemplated that he'll have to regenerate at one point in the future? @Carlos_S01
Jack will never regenerate, that is the Dr's thing. Jack will grow old slowly but will remain Imortal. #JBenVivo

what are your thoughts on Rusell T. Davis? Are you good friends with him? have you discussed anything on 5th season? @TikiTanyTiki

RTD is a master. He and I get along great and always have a laugh. Nothing to say about season 5. #JBenVivo

what have you learned with your character Jack Harkness? @tresnombres

how to run in a big coat lol #JBenVivo

Who is your favorite super hero? Which super hero do you think Jack would like to have a picture with? Why? @inaRii

Captain America and Iron Man are my favorites. Jack would like a picture with Captain America as he would then make a pass at him. #JBenVivo

Do you know Jack’s real name? What is your plan post Torchwood? @likys

Jack Harkness is not Jacks real name it is stolen from a RAF pilot. I dont know his real name no one does. #JBenVivo


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