Saturday, October 1, 2011

Dr Who The Wedding of River Song Review (Spoilers Sweety)

Doctor Who
The Wedding of River Song
By Steven Moffat

"Hell in high heels."

Well here it is.  The story everyone has been clamouring for.  It is of course the Doctor Who Series 6 finale the Wedding of River Song.  Finally we'll get the answers to how the Doctor escapes his fate and what River truly is to him.   So did Steven Moffat answer all these

 mysteries or did he jerk us around with The Wedding of River Song.  Well in a surprising turn of events he did.  We get the answer to who River is to The Doctor and she's his wife.  We find out why the Silence want to kill the Doctor.  It's because he answers a question that brings about their downfall.  Most importantly we find out how he escapes his own death.  He uses the Tessalector to stand in for him while he was inside thus being at the fixed point in time.  Pretty clever if you asked me.  The one theory that I didn't come up with.  A resolution that I was happy with and could see the Doctor coming up with.   But what about the overall story.  Yes I was happy that questions were answered and new mysteries were sprung upon us but was the over all story any good?

At first I was what is this.  Then as things began to unfold I was starting to get a feel for it but was not fully sold on it.  I wasn't all that crazy about the alternate reality part of this story at the start.   I did find it a bit full of it self. Pterodactyl's and cars floating on balloons Charles Dickens on TV talking about his Christmas Special. (How many of you thought it was going to be the Moff)  But aside from that the narration that that part did bring about was interesting.  I liked the story of how the Doctor was going around trying to find out all about the Silence and why they wanted him dead.  I found that storyline to be very enjoyable and extremely interesting as I found myself intrigued to find out the answers as much as The Doctor.  I liked the whole skulking around the shadows and being device.  It was pretty cool seeing The Doctor playing Live Chess with Mark Gatiss as Gantok. 

If there has been one problem with Steven Moffat stories during the Matt Smith era so far is that he tries to jam a lot of stuff in it and that's how I felt during the first couple of minutes of this story.  But The Wedding of River Song does start off that way and then settles down once everything was explained of how The Doctor got to this point.  Then things really get interesting as The Doctor is reunited with Amy and Rory and then eventually River.  It is at this point that we find out that The Doctor and River can set time right by touching each other and thus sending things back to normal.  It was a sort of reset button but a good way to get time back to normal and resolution to how the Doctor cheats death yet again.

The Wedding of River Song had some pretty good moments but none as sad as finding out about the death of the Brigadier.  It was a fitting and moving tribute to the character as I could never picture anyone else but Nicholas Courtney playing the Brigadier.  I also liked how Amy dealt with her babies kidnapper.  Telling her off and then putting the electrified eye patch back on Madame Kovarian thus killing her in the process.  I also liked how the dealt with her feeling the guilt of her actions even if the happened in an alternate reality that did not happen.  It was good seeing the head of Dorium yelling at The Doctor in the final moment setting up what could be the next arc. The Fall of  the 11th  and Trenzalor and the final question Dr Who? In all a story that wrapped everything up pretty well and opened some new mysteries to ponder.  Most notably The Doctor saying how he has gotten to big and must go back into the shadows.  Could be an interesting concept for the next series.  A good ending to a season that was pretty entertaining and enjoyable.
Grade A -

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed the finale. I haven't seen the first half of the season yet or any of last season and things still made sense to me. I liked how they used the Doctor inside the Doctor, that surprised me even thought they telegraphed it. I especially liked the head in the box guy. They should bring that character back. Amy, of course, was kick-ass.
