The Gallifreyan Gazette Pages

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Playing the role of Barbara Gordon ... do you really want to know?

We have an autographed version of this Batgirl photograph.
Yes, we're talking a possible Major Spoiler for "Batman: The Dark Knight Rises." But do not worry - we promise not to give anything away until after the jump.

Everyone knows the main characters - Christian Bale returning as the Caped Crusader and Gary Oldman as Gotham City Police Commissioner James Gordon. If you've been paying any attention at all, you know Anne Hathaway appears as Catwoman and the villain is Bane, portrayed by Tom Hardy.

But the folks at The Dark Knight Rises Rumors - WARNING: Clicking that link will reveal the surprise, too - have been busy digging a little deeper. Evidence suggests that the film will introduce another character from the comics - Barbara Gordon, daughter of the commissioner. She's also Batgirl, of course (if you consider that a spoiler, turn in your cowl right now). And, later, she became Oracle.

What leads the people at Rumors to this conclusion? The photograph of a trailer door on the New York City set.

Behind Door No. 2 ...
The name on the door is "B. Gordon," so that adds up. The name of the actress? Apparently, E. Page. As in Ellen Page, who previously appeared in "Dark Knight Rises" director Christopher Nolan's "Inception."

Spelling it out, the Rumors site reports for people who took the short Batmobile to school:

So let’s go over all this once again. She has a trailer around the New York set of The Dark Knight Rises, her character’s name, Barbara Gordon, name matches a character from the Batman comics, she’s been in a previous film with Christopher Nolan and he’s known to reuse actors from previous films. Phew.
From Kitty to Bat?
And here she is, showing off her experience as a superhero as Kitty Pryde in "X Men: The Last Stand," the final film in a trilogy that most movie fans would like to forget.

That's not to say Page - if any of this is true - is expected to suit up to fight the baddies in "The Dark Knight Rises." But she could play a key role, given that Barbara Gordon became Oracle after suffering a broken back - and Bane seems to have a thing about breaking backs.

Is that enough potential spoilers for you?

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