The Gallifreyan Gazette Pages

Monday, December 5, 2011

It's a habitable planet! The prediction was right!

Sorry for the confusing and obscure quote above.  If you know what it is from then hat's off to you.  Anyhow, there is a report that scientists are getting closer to confirming life elsewhere in the Universe and the finding of a habitable planet is the first step.

The planet, Kepler 22-b is said to be 2.4 times the size of Earth and have an average temperature of 72 degrees.  What could life look like on this planet? Here are some possibilities -

Close Encounters of the Third Kind's aliens are a fairly typical and friendly stereotype

Fairly well visualized in Avatar

A sarcastic alien would be lots of fun

The aliens in Gerry Anderson's UFO are dying and want our  internal organs -
so not something we really want to encounter.

Alien life in the form of plant is highly likely but lets hope they aren't Triffids!

So cute!

Somebody got up on the wrong side of the bed.

Another less appealing possibility

Well, this is better.....

Oh, no, its my turn to feed the alien.

Our first contact could look like anything

Well, probably not this....

We can only hope...

That would be bad!