The Gallifreyan Gazette Pages

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Finally A Cool Idea From Marvel. Marvel To Release Captain America and Hawkeye As The Beginning Of A New Team Up Book!!!

Finally something that I can get excited about from Marvel Comics.  They are doing a monthly ongoing pairing Captain America with Hawkeye. CBR has the full story and is reporting that this book will continue with the numbering of Captain America and Bucky when the Bucky storyline finishes up.  This is pretty cool as these two characters are a couple of my favorite Marvel characters.  The book will be written by Cully Bunn and the artist will be Alessandro Vitti.  The Hawkeye arc will begin in April and when that finishes up someone else will team with Captain America. So in essence it will be a Captain America Team Up Book.  Full story here.

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