The Gallifreyan Gazette Pages

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Marvel Reboots It's Universe With Marvel Now

Ok. Who didn't see this coming?  Hands up.  No.  Then I guess it isn't all to surprising that after a year since DC revamped their universe that Marvel would do the same thing.  Plus on the heels of  The Avengers movie doing so well and a new X-Men First class movie around the corner was it no surprise that Marvel would try and gear their comic books in that direction.  Well in a case of monkey see monkey do here is what Marvel has planned with their Marvel Now.

All-New X-Men writer Brian Michael Bendis describes the X-Men as "a tough nut to crack," and said that the rough concept for the book — the original X-Men traveling to the present and viewing what they find as a Days of Future Past-esque dystopia — had been kicked around at Marvel writers' retreats for a while now.

Uncanny Avengers: A blended Avengers/X-Men book written by Rick Remender and illustrated by John Cassaday , with a cast including Captain America, Thor, Rogue and Havok. Remender is quoted by EW as calling the series a "bridge book" "that can delve into both worlds," though post-AvX tension will be apparent. Starts in October.

All-New X-Men: As long-rumored, Brian Michael Bendis is writing the X-Men, specifically the original five. Still teenagers, they time travel to the present-day Marvel Universe, and aren't pleased with what they find. "It's not a time-travel story like Back to the Future," Bendis is quoted. "It's a time-travel story like Pleasantville," the writer says, with character drama more important than the sci-fi aspect. Art from Stuart Immonen; starts in November.

Avengers: Now a biweekly series written by Jonathan Hickman and illustrated by Jerome OpeƱa, the book will include "18 or more" Avengers team members, and, as the article states, "feature a combination of one-off stories and longer, galaxy-spanning multi-issue arcs." Starts in December.

This all starts in October and you can read more about it at these two links below.

Source Newsarama

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