The Gallifreyan Gazette Pages

Friday, August 10, 2012

Like Doctor Who and Like Twitter Then Join In With TARDIS Tweets

TARDIS Tweets is a group of Renegade TimeLords who love Doctor Who.  So we decided to ban together and decided to share our thoughts on randomly selected Doctor Who stories by tweeting about them while watching the story at the same time.

What we do is pick a story from any of the 11 Doctors era’s and watch and tweet our thoughts about that story.  Whether positive or negative our views are our own and most of the time the tweets will be comical and fun to read.  

We will be holding regular sessions on Friday and Sunday.  The Friday session is USA based and will start Friday August 10 at 7:15 with a press play at 7:30.  We will be starting off with newer Doctor Who with popular Doctors David Tennant and Matt Smith.  We picked The Unicorn and The Wasp and The Doctor’s Wife as two opposite stories as the Tennant story is funny and light hearted and the Smith story more serious and emotional.  We picked those stories as a way for us to demonstrate our unique styles in tweeting along with two completely different stories from Doctor Who.

The UK version of TARDIS Tweets will launch on Sunday August 26 at 7:30 with a press play at 8:00 PM BST.  Again we picked newer Doctor Who to get the ball running.  We will be watching the stories that have the Weeping Angels in them.  Those are the ever popular Blink, Time of Angels and Flesh and Stone.  

What we emphasize is having fun.  Have a good time watching Doctor Who and hopefully bring about exposure to the older classic Doctor’s and their stories.   We use our own DVD’s, Blu Rays, Netflix Streaming or downloads to watch Doctor Who and tweet along with the story. 

The website does not have live streaming so you have to do the work yourself and pay attention to the hash tag #TARDISTweets and wait for the press play now tweet and enjoy the fun.  If you want more info on TARDIS Tweets then check out our site and pay attention the schedule side bar to see if we will be watching your favorite story or to see what’s up next and hopefully you will join us.



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