The Gallifreyan Gazette Pages

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Silly Rumor for Doctor Who

Some of you may have heard this rumor already as it has circulated for a while, mostly from fans who love trying to come up with the worst ideas for Doctor Who.  Unfortunately these silly lame ideas have been making their way into the new series more often than in the past.  Wouldn't it be great if the Doctor wore his cowboy hat again?  Fighting Hitler? River Song gets married to the Doctor?  So forth.

Minor spoilers after the break to be followed by one unlikely but "I wouldn't put it past the production team to do something this ridiculous and turn Doctor Who into even more of a comedic parody" spoiler.

We warned you.....

SPOILERS - we warned you

Anyhow, the latest rumor marries some facts - Doctor Who recently shot in New York City and the Weeping Angels are in that episode.

So, we find out that the Statue of Liberty is a Weeping Angel and the Doctor must stop it.

The idea probably came from this famous artwork and I am sure if Moffat got wind of this early on, he would include it in the episode.  If it is true then let the knee slapping begin!!

Source -

They got it from The Daily Star.


  1. Oh God I hope not. Makes you wish for the days when Russel T. Davies was in charge of the show.

  2. Will the Statue of Liberty also be fighting alongside the Sta Puft Marshmallow Man?
