The Gallifreyan Gazette Pages

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Doctor Who - The Angels Take Manhattan Review (Spoilers Sweety)

Doctor Who
The Angels Take Manhattan
By Steven Moffat

"You are creating a fixed time. I will never be able to see you again."

Well here we are.  The big farewell to Rory and Amy Pond and the story filmed in New York City.   In a mini season of five stories with one pretty good, one average and a couple that were less than stellar.  Well I had been looking forward to this story and had some high hopes that Steven Moffat would spin a gem.  So was I disappointed like I have so far this series or did this one save face with me and truly was the gem of the five?

Well this one was the gem I was hoping for.  Just like the expression “saving the best one for last” that is exactly what has happened here.   I just liked they whole concept of the story.  From the book to River and how Rory and Amy’s exit it just seemed to fit and work nicely.  Plus how scary was this story.  It seemed like the Weeping Angels were around every corner.

I have to hand it to Steven Moffat.  The Weeping Angels are sure one of the scariest Doctor Who villains ever created.  With the exception of the Statue of Liberty Angel, I thought that was lame, I thought all the different types of statues coming to life were freaky.   Freaky and I truly loved it.  Just think if you are a child walking past any statue now.  In fact just walking past a statue now will give you the shivers.

The Angels Take Manhattan sure did have that behind the sofa feel to it.  One of the things missing from Doctor Who has been the scare factor.  Some of the best stories have an essence to scare you.  Not with shock or gore anyone can do that but by building on your fear.  This story sure did do that.  I loved the fact that the Angels were popping out of every nook and cranny at the right moment to scare you.  Just brilliantly done and that was indeed awesome to watch.

To not touch on the emotional aspect of this story would be a mistake on my part.  Yes, The Angels Take Manhattan was very emotional.  It was sad to see the dilemma that The Doctor was in.  Knowing what happens in the future and creating a fixed point had to be excruciatingly painful to him especially when he finds out about Amy’s fate and eventual departure.

At one point he sees his two friends kill each other by jumping off the building in hopes of causing a paradox.  Then seeing The Weeping Angel in the cemetery sending Rory back in time and then pleading with Amy not to go and then seeing her being sent back in time had to be heartbreaking for him.

I know it affected me in an emotional way seeing them doing the Romeo and Juliet thing on the roof top.  It was very sad realizing what was going to happen and if you didn’t feel anything then you just aren’t a loving person I guess.  I’m sure most people faced with their decision who are in love with their partner would probably do the same thing.  Plus it was pretty sad knowing what was going to happen with Amy.  You knew she would go back and be with Rory and that is what true love is all about.

Oh by the way River Song is in this story also.  She was pretty good in this one.  It was good to see her take on a supporting role and not be the focal point for once.  Since her main story is over it would be good to see her in a supporting role.  I don’t mind if she comes back now and again as long as she is helping out and not the true focal point.   I did not really care for The Doctor using his regeneration power to heal River’s broken wrist.  Seems odd he never has done that before.

I truly enjoyed this story.  Every aspect was really well done and the performances by the main stars were top notch.  I have been having reservations about Steven Moffat and his handling of Doctor Who but it is good to see him bring the goods when it counts.  A fabulous story to end this part of the series seven which, in my mind, has been subpar so far but it truly ends on a high note.  The Angels Take Manhattan is sure to become a classic and one of the best of the Moffat era.

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