The Gallifreyan Gazette Pages

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Doctor Who Dinosaurs on a Spaceship Review (Dino Spoilers)

Dinosaurs On A Space Ship
By Chris Chibnall 

“I’m not a Pond.”

Every once in a while when driving down the road you may occasionally hit a pot hole.  You worry cause the road your on was nice and smooth and there shouldn’t be any pot holes on the road.  You then start to worry if there will be any damage to your vehicle.  Then you vehicle starts to make a funny noise and you really worry that something seriously is wrong with your vehicle.  Well the pot hole in question is “Dinosaurs on a Spaceship” and the vehicle damaged was my brain.  So read on to see what I thought of the lastest Doctor Who from series 7.

I have watched Doctor Who for a very long time.  I have watched some stories that have been less than stellar and walked away with some parts that are memorable whether good or bad.  Well Dinosaurs on a Spaceship has me scratching my head as to what I just saw.  Now for those you have read my reviews know that I generally like everything and don’t usually write that an episode was bad or piss poor especially when it comes to Doctor Who.  Yes I’ve been critical of the show but rarely do I hate an episode.  Well I hate Dinosaurs on a Spaceship.

I’ll tell you why.  First off the plot of the story had promise.  Dinosaurs on a Spaceship could have been something special but the dinosaurs was just a gimmick.  Just like with Hitler the dinosaurs were just there to get you hooked in and then just didn’t really amount to much.  Was the original script that bad that Steven Moffat thought “I know I’ll fix it with dinosaurs.”   I don’t buy the way they ended up on the ship.  Yeah the Silurian’s was a nice touch but I don’t buy the idea of them having an ark ship and going across the universe.  I don’t at all because they all would have done that instead of going underground.

I thought the story had to many characters.  I found that it would have been better if it was just the Ponds and Rory’s dad.  Queen Nefertiti and Riddell shouldn’t have been there at all.  For two people from way in the past they sure seemed way to comfortable being on a spaceship occupied by dinosaurs.  They were way too comfortable.

The only one perplexed was Rory’s dad Brian.  He was in awe and confused and he was the one from the 21st century.  Anyway I thought there were too many characters and they just didn’t develop properly.  Even the villain Solomon just appeared to be just another thug.  Not much imagination to him at all. Just your average baddie that of the week you expect from poorly written serials.

What really got me was how lazy the story was.  Chris Chibnall wrote a good story for Matt Smith’s Doctor with The Hungry Earth/Cold Blood.  That story was really good and very enjoyable.  This story was just blah.  It seemed like a lot of ideas that were thrown together but did not come together.   There were some good ideas but they just weren’t executed right. The story just seemed uninspired to me with little development.  Dinosaurs on a Spaceship just seemed like a lazy story to me.  I did like the dinosaurs though.  I thought they looked really good even though they were just thrown in as a gimmick.

I really liked Brian Williams.  Rory’s dad was actually a character you could relate to.  As a father myself I could relate to him especially the way he asked Rory all the questions plus the look of proudness when Rory treated his wounds and keeping a med kit on him that was touching and a classic scene.   I also loved the scene with him eating a sandwich and looking at the earth.  That was very nice also.

Another problem is what is up with those robots?  I just did not think their voices were appropriate.  Why they made them talk like that was questionable.  Plus I hated the characterization of the Doctor in this one.  He seemed too erratic and to silly.  Way to over the top for him that it just did not seem like the Doctor at all.  The darker Doctor was ok.  It was hinted at last week in Asylum so this is a development they are planning for later so that was ok.  But killing Solomon like that did seem un Doctor like even though explored in the past.  I do like what is developing between The Doctor and the ponds.  One of the pluses is the mystery surrounding their relationship.  It's like The Doctor knows something bad is going to happen. Something he doesn't want to let on.

Dinosaurs on a Spaceship will appeal to little kids and well mainly the rose tinted fans.  The diehard fans from way back will not enjoy this story at all.  I did not and had reservations about it way back when the title was announced.  This story just didn’t do it for me and that is quite disappointing.  But that happens every now and again as you hit a pot hole on the road and unfortunately Dinosaurs on a Spaceship is that pothole.


  1. I liked the characterisation, but the plot was a bit loopy. I agree that the way the Doctor killed Solomon was not very... Doctor-ish. He didn't show the remorse you would expect of him. I liked the ending. And Riddleor whatever his name is.
    Lastly, the entire plot seemed a bit rushed.

  2. Wondering if the Dark Doctor is a hint of things to come? Let's hope so.

  3. I enjoyed the episode, flawed tho it was. The ending was a bit harsh fir the Doctor but we've seen him get a bit darker after periods of too much travelling on his own. I also suspect that he feels he must in some ways take over the role the Time Lords might play in stellar affairs were they still around and that the pressure of this, along with his mounting sense of loss is pushing him into darker places than he's ever been.
