The Gallifreyan Gazette Pages

Saturday, October 13, 2012

NYCC '12 Friday

Tons of people piled in on Friday
Friday the day when all the people start to pile in.  The day that the con is open to everyone who has the appropriate pass. I'll say this the line of people waiting to get in yesterday was wayyyyyy longer than the line for Friday last year.  Makes me shudder what the line is going to be like on Saturday.  But Friday was a day for Doctor Who for me.  I met Caitlin Blackwood, Little Amelia Pond, at The Doctor Who Store  booth and got acquainted with again the 5th Doctor himself Peter Davison.  Yes I dished out the cash and got their autographs which in itself is a thrill but I really enjoyed listening to Peter Davison's panel also.

Friday was also Grant Morrison day.  The prolific writer is a guest this year and is a very entertaining person to listen to.  His panel was very lively and he answered all the questions no matter how odd the question.  In fact Grant Morrison seemed to thrive on the really weird and odd questions and seemed to enjoy them a lot more than the generic questions about comic books.

Friday also had a great selection of cosplayers.  In fact I thought it was really cool to see Fez's, Rivers, Ponds and an assortment of PhD's number 10.   Yes thats right Doctor Who was on display big time and it makes this long time fan happy to see how popular and how embraced by the younger con goers to take the time and make a costume and represent Doctor Who.  A well done job by all.

So far NYCC'12 is starting off pretty good and it's only Friday with two more days to go.  So enjoy some of the pictures from Friday.

Caitlin Blackwood "Amelia Pond"

Grant Morrison at the DC Booth

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