The Gallifreyan Gazette Pages

Monday, October 15, 2012

NYCC'12 Sunday

Sunday was kids day at NYCC.  A great idea by those who put on the show.  What better way to help the future of comics and geek stuff in general than to have a day devoted to kids.  Children are the future and encouraging parents to bring their children is a great idea and have programming geared towards them is awesome.  Hey Elmo was a guest and what little kid wouldn't want to meet the real Elmo.

Sunday for me was quick.  It was a day to look around one more time and make any last minute purchases.  It was a quick day for me as I left early and made the long trek home.  So enjoy the pictures from Sunday.  Plus I did make a stop before I went home and I do believe it is the hotel from The Angels Take Manhattan but I could be wrong.

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