The Gallifreyan Gazette Pages

Monday, October 29, 2012

Russel T. Davies on Torchwood "Not Canceled"

In an interview this weekend on Graham Norton Russel T. Davies talked about the state of Torchwood.  Here is what the show runner had to say.

"I loved making it over there [in the US], and I would have carried on if circumstances hadn't brought me back to this country, so it's kind of in limbo for me at the moment," he explained.

"I'm not working on it at the moment. I'm only working on [new children's TV show] Wizards vs Aliens - when I get back to work one day, I don't know, it'll be old news to the BBC!"

 "It's not officially. It's in a nice limbo where it can stew - those shows can come back in ten, 20 years time."

Well it sounds like Torchwood is not coming back anytime soon or if at all for the foreseeable future.

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