The Gallifreyan Gazette Pages

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

David Tennant To Guest Star In Star Wars: The Clone Wars

This Saturday's Star Wars: The Clone Wars will have a Timelord voicing one of its characters.  David Tennant will be voicing a robot that trains younglings.  Here is a quote that Dave Filoni said to IGN.

“I remember thinking that the series (Doctor Who) had many of the same production challenges that we do on The Clone Wars – creating galactic scale adventures and planets with strange life forms.”
“As a fan that has the privilege of playing in the Star Wars galaxy, I am always on the lookout for others who appreciate, and would enjoy, an opportunity to go on an adventure in George’s galaxy far, far away. When I heard the Doctor himself, David Tennant, was a fan of Star Wars I knew I had to find a way to get in contact with him to see if he would perform on The Clone Wars. The result was ‘Huyang,’ an ancient droid in the service of the Jedi Order, whose sole task in life has been overseeing the construction of lightsabers. I thought David was perfect for the part and he did not disappoint. He delivered a performance which impressed even the Master himself, George Lucas.”
Here is also a clip to tease you until Saturday.

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