The Gallifreyan Gazette Pages

Friday, November 2, 2012

Let’s do the time warp again! By @CheekyChemist

Let’s do the time warp again!
Now that the current series of Doctor Who is on break until the Christmas special, we've got plenty of time to think about the changes that have been made since Moffat’s takeover as head writer.
On looking back to the last two and a half series I especially noticed that the Doctor seems to have taking a liking towards crushing the fabric of time and rearranging of the complete timeline. In the course of this article I’d like to have a closer look at three of these events: the opening of the Pandorica with the explosion of the TARDIS, the wedding of River Song with all of time clashing together at once and, last but not least, the Asylum of the Daleks, in which Oswin manages to erase all information about the Doctor at once.

With a bit of a mind flip…
The Pandorica incident made it necessary that the whole of time was rebuilt – in the course of that rebuilt, a few things changed. One past incident was the tenth Doctor’s confrontation with the so-called Cyberking. Did anyone ever mention or remember such an incident? Also there’s a fairly basically change in history – without the rift in her room, Amy didn't lose and forget her parents. Without her being alone, why would she ever let the Doctor in the house or even wait for him that many years?

…you’re into the time slip…
The whole loop ending with the wedding of River Song left a few more loose ends: starting with the Doctor’s name. Did he tell her his name on another occasion? More importantly, why can time itself be fooled by a simple robot? Okay, maybe an exceptionally well crafted robot, but nonetheless…it’s TIME we’re talking about! Even if you’re starting to argument that everything we believe to be true is bound to become true somewhere….there’s a serious hole in this course of explanation.

…And nothing can ever be the same!
During the incident in the asylum of the Daleks, Oswin hacked into the Dalek database and erased all traces of the Doctor. But as we get to know in later episodes of the current series, the Doctor’s existence does not only seem to have been erased from the Daleks’ memories, but also from every other history in the whole universe, causing River to be released from prison. Seeing this not explainable general amnesia expand through time the question after earlier incidents come up: Why would incidents like the battle of Demon’s Run or even the whole Pandorica event happen if nobody knew the Doctor? If there was no common enemy to fear, why would Daleks, Cybermen, Sontarans and all the others team up to imprison one man unknown to them?

Time meant nothing, never would again…
But even if there are some holes in the fabric of time, at one incident the clashing of timelines leaves us hoping for an outcome in favor of the former companions Rory and Amy:  in their final episode, ‘The Angels take Manhattan’, the two are sent back by the Weeping Angels to the same time period and place in that one of Melody Pond’s/River Song’s former regenerations lived. Maybe they have met there and because of that the ‘current’ River was able to publish the story that closes the time loop…or maybe there’s going to be another change in her timeline due to her parent’s end and we simply don’t know about that yet ..? You know….shhhh….spoilers…

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