The Gallifreyan Gazette Pages

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Synopsis For The Last Two Merlin Episodes

The BBC has released the synopsis, but not the titles, for the last two Merlin episodes that will be aired during the Christmas season.  These two stories will air on Saturday December 22nd and 29th and will mark the end of Merlin's 5 year story.

Episode 5.12 High in the mountains, a great horde gathers; Morgana prepares for war with a vengeful Mordred at her side. Merlin feels the weight of his destiny like never before as the ancient prophecies play out with terrifying accuracy. But before he can save his beloved Camelot, he must save himself. For it is not just the kingdom Morgana wishes to destroy – it is also Emrys.
Episode 5.13 And so it seems the Prophets did not lie. As the great battle rages on Camlann's mighty plain, Merlin faces his moment of destiny. Can he find the strength to save the man he made a King; the Camelot they fought to build; and the brotherhood they shared?

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