The Gallifreyan Gazette Pages

Monday, December 24, 2012

Reversal of Fortune. Gail Simone Back As Batgirl Writer

In a reversal of fortune and to the delight of Batgirl fans popular writer Gail Simone has been rehired by DC Comics.  Gail Simone will be writing the book she was dumped from Batgirl.  She will return with issue 20 which comes out in May after a short arc by stand in writer Ray Fawkes.  Here is here tweets on the matter.

"I Know Who The Next Writer On Batgirl Is…and her name is ME!"
"I am typing this on a snowy road, cell service is about to disappear, I know everyone has a million questions, but…BATGIRL, baby!
"Thank you to DC for this privilege, and a million thank yous to everyone who wanted to see this happen. I am ECSTATIC."

Source: CBR

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