The Gallifreyan Gazette Pages

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Review of Virulent Blurb: Fractures

Virulent Blurb: Fractures
By Kneel Downe

...Somewhere something is happening...

Are you a reader who is bored with the same old type of science fiction book?  Are you bored with the same old clichés and scenarios that have been used over and over again?  Well then Virulent Blurb: Fractures by Kneel Downe is the book you should pick up and read if you answered yes to the above questions.  Even if you didn’t you should give this book a try as it is a fresh new style in storytelling and is the trailblazer of such storytelling that has been popping up all over Twitter lately.

Virulent Blurb started a little over a year ago as an ongoing story on Twitter.  What is unique is that the story is being told in 140 character increments that spans a few tweets a day or by several a week.  So imagine how hard it must be to develop a plot and characters with only 140 characters available to you at a time.  Well Virulent Blurb succeeds at that and has spawned onto other things that have expanded the world that is Virulent Blurb.

The first 71 pages consist of the tweet form version of the blurb.  These tweets form the beginning of the Blurb and you get a sense of what is developing.  This is the Blurb in its rawest form and experimental form and fun to read.  This is the part of the book for those who are looking for something different.  These tweets started it all and it is interesting to see how things develop from tweet one to the last one in Phaze 12.  I enjoyed this section of the book as it kept me thinking.  It was different and new and above all it was something not truly done before.  It was refreshing to read an author trying something different and grabbing the bull by the horns and run with it.

The next part of the book is truly my favorite.  The three demo scripts that are right now in development.  The three scripts deals with Kurt Lobo.  Kurt Lobo is a bad ass police detective who is also splice with a wolf.  The thing that is cool about this world is that a majority of the humans are spliced with one type of animal or another.  This is another uniqueness of Virulent Blurb.  Kurt Lobo lives in what I can describe as a city that is a cross between Blade Runner and Sin City.  The Blurb world is dark, gritty and evil with something sinister coming on the horizon.  The scripts are a very interesting take on the sci-fi murder mystery that hopefully we get more in another volume so we can get an ending to this unique story of Kurt Lobo.

Virulent Blurb: Fractures is a cornucopia of different styles of sci – fi.  Towards the end of the book there is another story Cascade Chronicles.  I do not want to give too much away but this story is indeed twisted and dark.  You have the super heroes of Virulent Blurb locked up in an asylum.  There they are being questioned and here is the kicker the heroes believed they are their persona and not their true idenity.  Not to give much away but it has a 12 Monkeys feel to it and as you go along to the different hero’s you get a hint that Kneel Downe is having a lot of fun torturing the souls of the once mighty.

Virulent Blurb is an interesting and fun book to read.  It is refreshing to see an author go out and take a chance to do something completely against the norm.  This book is a really good read not just for those looking for something different and new but for sci – fi fans everywhere.  Virulent Blurb: Fractures is a great read and I’m looking forward to more books in this universe and hopefully it will be sooner rather than later.

If your interested in buying Virulent Blurb: Fractures you can by the book or the Ebook at Lulu at the links below.



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