The Gallifreyan Gazette Pages

Friday, December 28, 2012

What I'm Looking Forward To In 2013

2012 was an amazing year for movies and TV that there was so much to see and experience for all the geeks out there. Not to mention in the world of comic books also as Spider – Man celebrate his 50th anniversary and boy was it a shocking celebration.   So now we Bid Adieu to 2012 and hello to 2013 and to all the cool things that geeks cannot wait to see.  So here is what I am anxiously looking forward to seeing.

In the world of comic books Marvel sort of did a reboot. Well they did their let’s start all over with number one again and keep the ongoing continuity going while not really changing anything.  But they sure did with Spider-Man and I am looking forward to seeing how Peter Parker will come back from the dead and get his body back from its new occupant Doctor Octopus. So Marvels new Spider – Man book Superior Spider- Man will be a book I’ll be looking forward to reading in 2013.

I’m also looking forward to reading the conclusion of Scott Snyder’s Joker story Death of the Family.  It’s been so good so far and I am really excited to see how it finishes up in 2013.  I’m also enjoying reading the books from Valiant.  Their relaunch this past summer has been really good and the books they have released have been really good and the quality of the stories has been top notch so I’ll be looking forward to reading what they have coming up in 2013.

Well in television it is quite clearly one main thing I’m looking forward to and unfortunately it is a bittersweet one.  I’m talking about the end of Fringe.  For 5 seasons it has been a really great show to watch with intelligent storylines and episodes that make your brain go crazy. I will miss it and I am looking forward to seeing how it ends.

I’ve also been enjoying Elementary and Arrow and I am looking forward to seeing if the second half of their season is as good as the first half.  So far the stories have been really good and entertaining.  I’m also looking forward to watching a couple of shows on SyFy that isn’t WWE wrestling.  Defiance and Continuum both look really good from what I have seen in the trailers and actually has peeked my interest for something shown on SyFy.  I’m really excited that there seems to be something sci –fi on SyFy and not one of their cheesy movies.

Movies, Oh yes the movies.  2012 was such an awesome year for movies and it looks like 2013 is going to keep up the pace.  It’s like a cornucopia of geek filled goodness as every genre is represented.   We have The Wolverine, Thor 2 and Iron Man 3 coming up and thus the lead up to Avengers 2 has begun.  We have Catching Fire the 2nd Part in The Hunger Games trilogy and of course the next installment of The Hobbit.  Plus we have the return of Superman to movies in The Man of Steel which as a Superman fan I am really looking forward to seeing.  But the movie that has got me excited more than any of them would have to be Star Trek Into Darkness.  So much is shrouded into mystery surrounding this movie that makes it the most see movie for me and the one I am really looking forward to seeing.

There is only one thing that I am looking forward to that trumps all the things mentioned.  Well if you haven’t guessed it then you haven’t been paying attention to the blog.  It is of course the 50th Anniversary of Doctor Who.   I really can’t wait for this once in a lifetime event.  I’m really excited for it as I have fond memories of the 20th when Doctor Who was the crown of the sci – fi world.  I’m really looking forward to seeing what Steven Moffat and his crew have in store for us.  2013 is going to be the year of Doctor Who and the 50th Anniversary is what I am looking forward to the most.

So there you have it the stuff in geekdom that I am looking forward to in 2013.  Loved 2012 and now I’m ready for 2013 so let’s go and get it started.

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