The Gallifreyan Gazette Pages

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Synopsis For Big Finish's Doctor Who - Spaceport Fear

This months Doctor Who main range release continues the adventures of the 6th Doctor and Mel played yet again by Colin Baker and Bonnie Langford.  You can order this adventure from the 6th Doctor's era from the Big Finish website.

Welcome to Tantane Spaceport – where the tribes of Business and Economy have been at war for all of four hundred years...

Welcome to Tantane Spaceport – where a terrible creature called the Wailer prowls the corridors around the Control Tower, looking to eat the unwary...

Welcome to Tantane Spaceport – where there is one Arrival: a battered blue Police Box containing the time-travelling Doctor and his companion, Mel...

Welcome to Tantane Spaceport – where there are no Departures. Ever.

Written By: William Gallagher
Directed By: Barnaby Edwards


Colin Baker (The Doctor), Bonnie Langford (Melanie Bush), Ronald Pickup (Elder Bones), Isabel Fay (Naysmith), Gwilym Lee (Pretty Swanson), Beth Chalmers (Galpan/Beauty Swanson), Adrian MacKinder (Rogers/Game Voice), John Banks (Wailers/Announcement/Mad Passenger)

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