The Gallifreyan Gazette Pages

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

10 Reasons to Watch the Second Doctor

The Top 10 Reasons to Watch the Second Doctor
By Ken Parker

10- The Zoe on top of the TARDIS scene – I know this is probably an often over looked reason to watch the Second Doctor but it is one of the most important!

Thank you director for that shot!

9 - Many stories are missing – this is not a good thing but there does seem to be a aura of excellence around those missing episodes. “The Power of the Daleks”, “The Evil of the Daleks”, “The Ice Warriors”, “The Abominable Snowmen”, “The Web of Fear”, “The Fury From the Deep”, “The Wheel In Space”, “The Faceless Ones” and so on are all considered classics and are probably better because they are not complete. Memory cheats. I seem to remember “The Tomb of the Cybermen” being the number one story listed in Doctor Who magazine (even though at the time it was still missing and the majority of fans had really not seen it) but the year after it was found, it dropped quite a bit it that ranking.

The Fury From the Deep

The Evil of the Daleks (production shot)

8- Space Pirates is not complete – From what we can tell, “The Gunfighter” is “Citizen Kane” compared to “The Space Pirates” and perhaps for the same reason that some episodes are regarded as the best of the best because they are missing, perhaps this one is the worst of the worst because it is incomplete.

Looks great!

7- The Time Lords – the game changing “The War Games” story finally gives the viewer some insight into the Doctor's origins and really changes the way the series would go from that point on. The way the series is able to evolve really supported the lead change and helped keep the show fresh and new.

The jerks of time and space debut!

6- UNIT – The introduction of UNIT in “The Invasion” was a great start to a new part of the Doctor Who series. Not only did it give the series soldiers for aliens to kill in droves but the inclusion of this organization would add some stability to the show and give the Doctor a home of sorts to frequent. This is such a common part of the current Doctor Who series that it seems odd to think that the Doctor had really no home to go to apart from the TARDIS before UNIT was on the scene.

You think that is really going to work?

5 -The Companions – The second Doctor only had five companions but the chemistry Troughton had with them all was superb. It is a thrill to see the Doctor and Jamie in scenes together. Zoe and Victoria also worked very well with that combo of talent. Zoe began to push female companions toward equality a bit even though she still made the tea.

4 - Tomb of the Cybermen – This story has some problems but the good outweigh the bad by a long shot. The sets and pacing of the story was fantastic and the Cybermen were at their high point. This important story even has one of the best Doctor – Companion conversations in Doctor Who history as Victoria talks with the Doctor about her life she left behind.

Great scene...

3 - The Monsters – the Daleks, Cybermen, Ice Warriors and the Yeti highlighted the numerous monsters of the second Doctor. The stories were also regarded as some of the best for these aliens and were probably considered the scariest stories until the early Tom Baker era.

2 - Alistair Lethbridge Stewart – The introduction to one of the most enduring characters the programme has ever known. Nicholas Courtney made his debut playing the Brigadier during the Second Doctor era and the show improved because of this.

Wonderful Chap

1 - Patrick Troughton – One of the most beloved Doctors but alas, many of his episodes do not exist any more. Patrick is probably more of a blueprint of the current Doctor (Matt Smith) and for the 10th Doctor than any other due to his comedic tone. Troughton did balance the comedy with seriousness very well. Troughton proved that the show could continue with a different lead actor.

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