The Gallifreyan Gazette Pages

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Brave The Bullies Together Charity Book Review

Brave The Bullies Together

A Charity book of short sci-fi stories to help raise awareness against bullying

With contributions By Emily Foster,Kneel Downe, Steve Taylor-Bryant, Ren Zelen, Mandy Gibson, Jeff Zyra, James Knight, Antoni Pearce, Ben Cooper,Steven Harris and Ed Griffiths

Cover Designed by Vicki Clarke

Reviewed By Jeff Zyra and Steve Taylor- Bryant

At least with me gone they could learn to remember the old me, the person I was fleetingly when I knew how to be happy and how to live. Depriving them of my physical presence just by being alive, they’d learn to remember me the way I wanted to remember myself.

Eleven authors with different styles and different imaginations have come together to help out a great cause.  That cause is to fight against bullying and help Emily Foster raise money for her charity that helps to bring awareness against bullying.  This UK Group goes around to schools and does lectures to help get the message out. So all that they do costs money and this book was made to help raise funds for Brave The Bullies Together and to help Emily get her message out.

So what is the book about?  Well it is about a lot of different things.  It is mainly a collection of science fiction tales and some drama stories.  Some of the stories will tug at your heart strings and if you don’t get a tad emotional reading some of the stories especially the story by Emily Foster then you should look in the mirror and check to see if you have a heart and a soul.

It is good to see a short story collection put together to help a worthy cause besides padding the authors wallet.  Steve Taylor – Bryant gathered these authors together knowing that they would check their egos at the door and come up with some stories to entertain us all.  Brave The Bullies Together is a cornucopia of styles that weave stories that take your imagination to an asteroid in outer space, to strange land where wolves guard a mystical pond and to the Blurbverse where Detective Lobo gets down and dirty investigating a death of a young child.   These are just a sampling of what you can expect in this book.  If you want to know more then read on.

This collection was a really a good read.  The stories are extremely interesting and made you think about situations in life that you might have seen or just were not aware of.  There were three stories that were really sad and really tugged at your heart strings.  The stories were really powerful and should be read because they really convey what the cause is about.  This book has something for everyone but most importantly it has a message to tell.  Science fiction is represented here and doesn’t disappoint at all as those stories were really interesting and gave your mind a break from the sadness and seriousness of the other stories.

The talent and styles of the writers really complement each other perfectly.  It did not take me long to read this book as I could not put it down.  I loved all the stories that make up this collection that it would be unfair if I reviewed them all and revealed which stories I liked better than others as I just loved the book as a whole.  I was moved, saddened, and really entertained by the stories that I believe anyone who buys the book will enjoy them as much as I did. Whether it was the script of an adventure of someone who seemed really familiar or the story of Atticus dealing with being different or the origin of the man called Captain Indigo Brave The Bullies together was very entertaining to read.

I would be remiss if I didn’t let Steve explain about the wonderful cover created by Vickie Clark.

I first came across Vicki during a conversation with my friend Joy Thomas @joyltom in which we were discussing the then newly formed DreamCage. Joy mentioned that Vicki was a fantastic digital artist. I got in contact and discussed with Vicki the possibility of taking on some book cover work for us. The first cover was for the forthcoming Memoirs Of A Legal Secretary a funny take her daily life from debut writer Carrie Hynes. Vicki's ideas and superb communication and care for Carrie and her first venture was astonishing and led us at DreamCage to make Vicki part if the team, in fact we only use two artists now and if they can't do it no one can!

When the Brave The Bullies Together project came up we were originally going to just use the logo but I was having awful formatting issues and my severe lack of an artistic talent was becoming frustrating. Vicki contacted me and without hesitation offered her services. Vicki came up with front cover design and we loved it, the children holding hands in the background in particular.

Without the support of all the writers and Vicki this project would never have seen the light of day

To view Vicki's art you can go to her website at

The important thing is not whether you like, dislike, or love the stories in this book it’s about what the book stands for and what it is trying to accomplish.  It is a labor of love that 11 individuals banded together for a good cause to help a young ladies fight against bullying. 

To buy the charity book Brave The Bully’s Emily Foster and Friends use the link below.

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