The Gallifreyan Gazette Pages

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Doctor Who 50th Anniversary: Colony in Space

Doctor Who:
Colony In Space
By Malcolm Hulke

“Then we must restore his freedom for as long as it serves our purpose.”

The Time Lords have sent the The Doctor and Jo on an errand for them.  They have noticed that The Master has stolen the plans for The Doomsday Weapon and need The Doctor to stop him from getting his hands on the weapon and thus putting the universe in his hands.  The Time Lords dump The Doctor and Jo on the planet Uxarieus where he discovers that the colonists are in a bitter dispute with the mining company IMC.   IMC wants the planet desperately and will do anything to get it so they can mine duralinium which is one of the richest minerals in the universe.

The despute has gotten heated as colonists have been ending up dead killed by an IMC robot with animal claws attached to it.  It has gotten pretty heated on both sides as it has gotten pretty violent to the point where an Adjudicator has been called in to settle the dispute between both parties.  The problem is this adjudicator is not what he seems.  In fact it is The Master and he could care less of the squabble between the two groups as he is only interested in the old city of the planets inhabitants. A city that is home to the most destructive weapon in the universe The Doomsday Weapon.

After watching a brilliantly done and excellent 6 part story in “The Mind of Evil”  I was greatly disappointed with “Colony in Space”.   In all fairness the story is your typical colony struggling to get a foothold while a big business like company holds them down which is a plot device that has been done before and much better.   It is also a story against strip mining also as it is the Seventies and there is a big movement for environmental causes starting up. 

The best part of the story was Jo’s reaction to traveling in the TARDIS for the first time and being scared of being on an alien planet.  It was great seeing her thinking the Doctor was just eccentric and did not really travel in time and space.  The conversation she has with The Doctor telling him she was scared was pretty good as that hasn’t been done before.  It is a really good scene and one of Jon Pertwee’s and Katy Manning’s best.

What is disappointing about this story is that The Master does not show up until episode 4.  It almost seems like an afterthought to include him.  That’s the impression I got that this story was written before the came up with The Master season and decided to add him into it.  Otherwise this story could have been better if it was shorter at that point as it just felt like it was dragged out.  Lots of filler and back and forth between IMC and the colonists that seemed just a waste considering it came from the guy who gave us the Silurians and Sea Devils.    

This story was quite disappointing considering how well good season is.  I guess they all can not be good but this one is just plain dull and boring and very lifeless and a waste of a good character The Master not being utilized correctly and wasting Roger Delgado's performance.  By all means this is not the worst Master story but it sure is pretty close to it.
Grade D+

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