The Gallifreyan Gazette Pages

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Doctor Who 50th Anniversary: Day of the Daleks

Doctor Who:
Day of the Daleks
By Louis Marks

“You're trapped in a temporal paradox! Styles didn't cause that explosion and start the wars. You did it yourselves.”

Sir Reginald Styles is under a lot of stress lately.  He is organizing the World Peace Conference and if he should fail war will break worldwide.  To make matters worse he is being haunted by assassins who want to kill him.  Styles tell UNIT, who is in charge of security for the peace talks, that it was just ghosts or a nightmare that he had.  The Doctor doesn’t believe him and The Brigadier orders Styles out of his house. The Doctor and Jo decide to spend the night at Styles house with the UNIT troops around for protection as Sgt Benton and Mike Yates around to help them if needed. 

While eating a lot of cheese and drinking quite a bit of Styles wine The Doctor finally gets a chance to meet the assassins.  It appears that they are from the future and want to kill Styles to prevent the future they come from.   A future that has an Earth controlled by The Doctors most deadly enemies The Daleks.  The Daleks have invaded Earth again and will stop at nothing to keep control of it and it’s up to The Doctor to prevent that from happening.

Day of the Daleks is a pretty good Dalek story and probably the best Dalek story from the Jon Pertwee era.  Plus it happens to be a favorite of mine also as I have always liked the dynamics of it.  You have The Doctor traveling in time without the aid of the TARDIS.  He used the crude device the rebels used to travel into the future and the past and it was a pretty cool idea to get around the TARDIS not working for him.  

This story is also pretty interesting as it deals with time paradoxes.   The Doctor figures out that the rebels are responsible for their future.  It was their actions that allowed The Daleks to swoop in and invade Earth.  Can you imagine that trying to stop everything you hate and realizing that you are the cause for all of it.  This is a pretty cool plot point in Day of the Daleks that makes the conclusion that more exciting as The Doctor goes back and then rewrites history to save Earth from the Daleks.   
There are two versions of Day of the Daleks. There is the original version with the 1972 effects and horrible sounding Daleks and the new 2011 one that has modern effects and Nick Briggs sounding Daleks.  The special edition is pretty cool and the new effects are really a great improvement.  Plus they added more Daleks to the attack on Styles house to make it more threatening and more believable than the two Daleks they used in 1972.  I loved how when someone gets hit by the disintegrator gun the person blows up instead of disappearing.  But the one thing the special edition didn’t do is make the Ogrons smarter at all as they still lumbered around stupidly as the Dalek slaves they are. 

Day of the Daleks is a pretty good story with lots of fun things going on in it. For example the way the Controller tries to manipulate Jo that they are the good guys and well Daleks on the warpath in a really good action sequence against UNIT. Plus it also heralds the return of the Daleks after a long time away from the show.  Day of the Daleks is a good start to season 9 which is a season that is kind of mixed with stories of quality and luckily this story is pretty good one.   Day of the Daleks is one of my favorite Daleks stories and one of my favorite Jon Pertwee stories also. 
Grade A

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