The Gallifreyan Gazette Pages

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Doctor Who 50th Anniversary: Inferno

Doctor Who:
By David Houghton

“I can't. I literally can't! It'd create a cosmic disaster.”

Unit is in charge of security at the Inferno Project.  While there The Doctor is taking advantage of the extra power source to try and get the TARDIS console working again.  The Doctor then gets interested in what is happening with the project and has his doubts about how it is being handled.  Professor Stahlman is very ill tempered and pig headed and will not listen to anyone as he is obsessed with penetrating the earth’s crust and obtain Stahlman’s Gas which would give the world an endless supply of energy.  The Doctor is skeptical and thinks it’s a bad idea as strange creatures have been appearing as the workers who have been exposed to a certain green slime have been turned into dog like creatures. 

Then The Doctor disappears as he turns on the power to the console and then is transported to an alternate Earth where the people there are evil versions of themselves including his friends Liz Shaw, Sgt Benton and the Brigadier.  This Earth is doing the same experiment but things here are further along than on the Earth The Doctor is from.  The problem is getting back and preventing his Earth from following the disastrous path this alternate Earth is on.

I do not like Inferno.  It is not very high on my list of Doctor Who stories that I like and have never really caught on with it.  What is funny about this is that Inferno is the first Jon Pertwee story that my local PBS station showed so my exposure to the Pertwee era did not start off good.   Luckily there were better stories shown later on that helped me enjoy Jon Pertwee’s Doctor.

I just find Inferno boring.  Yes it has a pretty cool concept with the alternate Earth part but I just did not find that to hold my interest.  Yes it’s a cool idea and lots of fans love this story for it but I don’t.   It is pretty interesting to watch the actor’s playing evil duplicates of their regular characters.  Probably the one thing I did like about it. 

Well that’s not true. I did like Nicholas Courtney as the Brigade Leader.  I thought this was a really good performance by him and going from fierce bully to desperate lunatic was really well performed.  Nicholas Courtney’s performance as the Brigade Leader was probably one of his finest performances he did in Doctor Who.   

So Inferno is one of those stories that for no reason really I just do not care for.  While this story is popular with fans I just do not give it the love.  So if you enjoy a different story with lots of scientific stuff and Sgt Benton jumping up and down as Doggie Benton then this story is for you. 
Grade C-

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