The Gallifreyan Gazette Pages

Thursday, April 11, 2013

The Knights Event - Party, Meeting & Doctor Who Viewing

When - April 27 – 2pm – 12 midnight
Where – 107 Cobb Ave, Chicopee, MA
Contact for directions and more info – – John Courtney

Agenda -

Because Doctor Who is back on air again we will no doubt watch a few episodes and discuss what we have seen so far. I would expect our conversations will deal with the mystery surrounding Clara Oswald and a general review of the episodes to date. Since there is an episode scheduled that night on BBC America we will be watching that as well! The episode is called “Journey to the Center of the TARDIS”

We will also be snacking and eating dinner (probably order out or grill). Feel free to bring a snack.

Our meeting will go over some of the latest changes to our blog site as well as discuss our plans to move our newsletter and other publications to the internet and create a searchable database. Ideas are welcome.

Podcast – If there is enough interest we will audio record our next podcast which currently has no topic so if you have an idea or two, let us know. We will be doing our Doctor Who Season 7B podcast after all the episodes have aired, probably at our May 26 or June 15 parties.

If you are new to our group feel free to contact John to let us know you are planning on coming – thanks and we hope to see you there.

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