The Gallifreyan Gazette Pages

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Doctor Who 50th Anniversary: The Top 10 Peter Davison Stories

Peter Davison is my favorite Doctor so picking out the ten best stories from his era was pretty difficult as I like all the stories from that era.  Ok, well, maybe not Time Flight all that much.  So with much debate within myself I was able to widdle down his twenty stories down to the ten best and this is the list of what I believe are the best stories from the Peter Davison era.

10. Castrovalva
Written By Christopher H. Bidmead
Directed By Fiona Cumming
Why It’s In The Top 10:
It ushered in changes and a new direction for Doctor Who.  It was also the first Doctor Who story to not have Tom Baker in the starring role in 7 years.   It also was the first time that The Doctors regeneration did not go as planned and there were some difficulties with it as he needed to get some rest to heal his neural pathways. 

9. Mawdryn Undead
Written By Peter Grimwade
Directed By Peter Moffatt
Why It’s In The Top 10:
It’s the return of Nicholas Courtney as The Brigadier after a long absence from the show.  This time he plays a past version and a present version as the story takes place in 1983 and 1977.  It’s also the first story for Turlough and it starts the Black Guardian Trilogy as he returns to get revenge for the Key to Time defeat.

8. Snakedance
Written By Christopher Bailey
Directed By Fiona Cumming
Why It’s In The Top 10:
The Mara make a return as a possessed Tegan is once again the tool for the Mara.  Martin Clunes plays an annoying role as the Federators son Lon.  It is a sequel to Kinda and the first time that a newer villain has made a return appearance in the show in a really long time.  Plus it also boasts a silly looking snake which is actually I guess does the job for 1983 production quality.

7. The Visitation
Written By Eric Saward
Directed By Peter Moffatt
Why It’s In The Top 10:
This is the story where the sonic screwdriver gets destroyed.  The Terileptils destroy the sonic screw driver in this story and it is never to be seen again until the Doctor Who movie with Paul McGann.  This device which is seen constantly in new Who was destroyed mainly because JNT thought it was a crutch for the writers to get The Doctor out of jams to easily.  He was right by the way.  Plus this story is a fun romp during the Black Plague and ends with the London Fire.

6. Resurrection of the Daleks
Written By Eric Saward
Directed By Matthew Robinson
Why It’s In The Top 10:
This story boasts the return of the Daleks after a long absence and the farewell of the Fifth Doctor’s main companion Tegan.  It also returns to us Davros as we see he is still frozen from Destiny of the Daleks and the Daleks need him back to help them with the Movellans as they need a cure for a virus the Movellans have released.  This story also has a very high body count as practically no one survives and is pretty violent also.  One of the better Dalek stories and also has a very sad farewell scene between The Doctor and Tegan.

5. Enlightenment
Written By Barbara Clegg
Directed By Fiona Cumming
Why It’s In The Top 10:
Enlightenment is a classic story that takes place on an old whaling ship from the past but in space.  The Eternals are having a race to see who would win Enlightenment and they are using sea faring ships from Earths history and even humans from that era to sail them.  This is also the end of the Black Guardian Trilogy as Turlough must make a choice of giving The Doctor to the Black Guardian or not.

4. The Five Doctors
Written By Terrance Dicks
Directed By Peter Moffatt
Why It’s In The Top 10:
The Five Doctors is the ultimate anniversary story as the past Doctors all unite in a story that takes place on Gallifrey.  They have been taken out of their respective times and placed in the Death Zone with some familiar friends and also some enemies to fight.  The Five Doctors is a true joy to watch and one of the ultimate fanboy stories that might never be accomplished again.

3. Kinda
Written By Christopher Bailey
Directed By Peter Grimwade
Why It’s In The Top 10:
Kinda is a story that deals with mental illness.  Doctor Who often deals with real life scenarios in its stories but not very often does it deal with mental illness.  It is also the first appearance of the Mara as it tricks Tegan to get back out to our reality.  It is a story that tries something different and is a story with little action but with a lot of dialog and that is something that should be attempted again as plot driven as this story is really worked during the eighties.

2. Earthshock
Written By Eric Saward
Directed By Peter Grimwade
Why It’s In The Top 10:
Earthshock is one of the all-time best Cybermen stories ever.  Their appearance was kept a secret so no one knew they were going to appear as the cliffhanger for episode one.  It is creepy and claustrophobic feel to it makes it one of the best behind the sofa stories to watch with children.  Plus it has an historical aspect to it and one of the most important and shocking one of its time as a companion dies.  Adric sacrifices his life to save the Earth from being destroyed.   Not since the Hartnell era has this been done and to a regular companion that has been traveling with The Doctor for a while. It was truly a moment that the Doctor was powerless and could only watch.

1. The Caves of Androzani
Written By Robert Holmes
Directed By Graeme Harper
Why It’s In The Top 10:
What can be said about this story that hasn’t been said? Voted by the fans as the best Doctor Who story ever in Doctor Who Magazine The Caves of Androzani is everything that is right with the classic series when they take the time and do it right.  It is the best regeneration story ever and Peter Davison gives one of his best performances as The Doctor ever.  Robert Holmes gives us a gritty violent story and Graeme Harper takes chances that works out really well and gives a new dimension to the story.   A classic story that has survived the test of time and so far there hasn’t been a story that comes close.

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