The Gallifreyan Gazette Pages

Monday, June 17, 2013

The Rumor - Doctor Who Missing Episodes UPDATE

More information concerning the rumor that a lot of missing Doctor Who episodes were found is not what we want to hear.  From our original article yesterday, it was stated that a rumor that potentially 50 or more episodes were located now appears to be a massive hoax., who broke the news wide open yesterday is now agreeing that signs look bad for this miracle find. Too bad really but it did sound too good to be true.  We will keep an eye on the story still hoping there is something to it.

Even super extreme missing episode expert fan Ian Levine tweeted - 

 My previous tweet was not ironic. I too wanted to believe ninety episodes had been found. I now believe none have been found. A massive hoax

1 comment:

  1. Now I read there is still hope that something has been found........
