The Gallifreyan Gazette Pages

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Army of Darkness vs Hack/Slash #1 Reviewed By @Spaced4SimonPeg

Army of Darkness vs Hack/Slash #1 (Dynamite)
Reviewed By Spaced From The Ghastly Awards

Cassie is back and she has got herself a new partner so to speak in the name of Ashley J. Williams. This crossover takes place 5 months after the final issue of Hack/Slash. Cassie is still dealing with the death of Vlad and is trying to live a normal life with Margaret and baby Sandra, but in Cassie's world the dead don't stay dead. When Ash seeks out Cassie's help in finding the missing pages of the Necronomicon you know personalities are going to clash. I had high exceptions for this comic and it did not disappoint. Tim Seeley has got Ash down and Cassie is back as her usual self. Daniel Leister's art for Hack Slash has always been spot on and with the addition of Ash it just makes it all the more fun. - Spaced (

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