The Gallifreyan Gazette Pages

Monday, July 1, 2013

Bing Con 2013

A new comic convention will be held on August 25 in Springfield MA


  1. Hey everyone, we're looking good at booking all 25 of our tables for Bing Con 2013. We have a wide variety of artists, dealers and crafters. I wanted to let you in on a few perks that your $5 admission gets you. Besides it getting you in the door, it also puts you in the running for a wonderful original art door prize and it also gets you in at 7:00 pm for our Freakin' Fantastic Feature Film. We are working on parking that is free, safe and within a three minute walk. We are also working on a special lunch deal with a local restaurant so we will entertain you and fill your belly. We hope to make this an affordable, successful and fun show for the Springfield area !

  2. My dad used to take me to the Bing all the time growing up to see movies. If I'm up in the area that day I'll stop by.

  3. I'll be there early on to meet up with a few folks and drop off some Knight flyers.
