The Gallifreyan Gazette Pages

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Sharknado Hits Tonight!!!

Well, I know what we will all be doing tonight - either watching Sharknado or wishing we were watching Sharknado.  Here is the latest trailer just to get you in the mood.  There is also a link to I09 with an interview with the writer of Sharknado which is perfect!!

From I09 - How are the sharks cognizant enough to keep biting people while they're flying through the air?
If you were a shark and you found yourself flying through the air, wouldn’t you keep biting? I think you’d be pretty pissed about being plucked out of your nice familiar ocean where you’re king of the predators, and you’d probably take it out on whoever got in your way. Honestly, I don’t understand why people are so perplexed by this concept. The logic is undeniable.

See the entire interview at this link - 

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