The Gallifreyan Gazette Pages

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Tegan Wins Best Doctor Who Companion

A poll, conducted by Candy Jar Books was done to list the best Doctor Who Companion and Tegan Jovanka wins top honors.

1. Tegan Jovanka
2. Sarah Jane Smith
3. Donna Noble
4. Rose Tyler
5. Ace
6. Romana and Jamie McCrimmon
7. Nyssa
8. River Song
9. Amy Pond
10. Leela

Personally I am surprised and happy by this list.  It is good to see Donna Noble so high but am surprised that Sarah Jane Smith didn't come in first and that Rose Tyler was was down in 4th.  I do shake my head that both Amy Pond and especially River Song place in the top ten.

The poll was also a promotion for the new book, An Unofficial Guide- Companions: Fifty Years of Doctor Who Assistants

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