The Gallifreyan Gazette Pages

Thursday, August 1, 2013

David Tennant On His Doctor Who Return

David Tennant did an interview with SFX where he discussed his return to the show for the 50th Anniversary.

“When there is more than one of you, as is the case this time, it becomes a slightly different character. The Doctor tends to lead every scene he is in and when you are sharing that out, it becomes slightly different. You have a new relationship with that aspect of the character and that gives you fresh challenges to work on. But it was really good fun actually – and that was a big part of what I enjoyed about this...
I just hope people will be excited by it. But I do not think this is necessarily exclusive, in terms of who it will appeal to. Doctor Who has managed to be a big success over the past few years by being very accessible to everyone. We have never been about going for a highly particular audience – although that audience is the reason Doctor Who has lived for 50 years – but rather to have a very broad appeal. I think that aspect is something that people will feel is quite evident in this special as well.”

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