The Gallifreyan Gazette Pages

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Missing Episodes Update - Lost Episodes To Be Unveiled This Week With Two Released On iTunes

Two stories today one from The Radio Times and one from the Mirror. The Mirror claims that the BBC will be making an announcement on Tuesday about what missing stories have been recovered.  There was an article this morning claiming that 106 missing episodes of Doctor Who have been found in Ethopia.  That is quite a find since there are 106 missing episodes of Doctor Who.  There have been reports of 100 being found  and another of 90 being found.  Hopefully something has been found as to make it a special 50th Anniversary for Doctor Who.

Now The Radio Times has reported that two episodes from two separate Patrick Troughton stories will go on sale on iTunes on Wednesday.  Now the Mirror is a tabloid so their story can be iffy but the Radio Times is pretty respectable.

Now this is all pretty interesting and should be held with a grain of salt considering what this rumor has grown into all summer and now the fall.  I'm hoping something has been found but an announcement Tuesday whether we do or don't have any episodes recovered would be good for all fans of the classic series.


  1. I am confused by the episode statement. I would think that there would be 2 stories and not just 2 episodes for sale. My money is on The Enemy of The World and The Web of Fear.

  2. Oh, now someone is saying two stories..... That I might buy!!

  3. My guess is that it is on iTunes and that is a big tease to whet your appetite so that you will go out and buy the DVD later when it is released. It would be a big business success as people would buy the iTunes download and the DVD's. Yes my guess its The Enemy of the World and The Web of Fear also.

  4. There is a rumor (haven't we had enough of these?) that Web of Fear episode 3 is either not available or ready. Why would they release an incomplete story if they have 20+ more in their possession? I wonder if there is a license issue with a piece of music or something.

  5. I got to work on my banner........
