The Gallifreyan Gazette Pages

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Synopsis For Doctor Who - Ghost In The Machine

This months Companion Chronicles adventure features the 3rd Dcotor as told by Katy Manning as Jo Grant.  You can order it from the Big Finish website. It is also directed by Louise Jameson who plays Leela during the Tom Baker era.

Mary had a little lamb, its fleece was white as snow
And everywhere that Mary went, that lamb was sure to go.

The TARDIS is empty. The Doctor has gone.

Jo Grant steps outside into the darkness and finds the frozen body of her friend, and the ship's log recorder. On it is attached a simple message - 'Use Me'.

As she explores this place, recording her every move, Jo discovers the horror that lies in the shadows.
But by then it is too late.

Written By: Jonathan Morris
Directed By: Louise Jameson 

Katy Manning (Jo Grant), Damian Lynch (Benjamin Chikoto)

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