The Gallifreyan Gazette Pages

Friday, November 8, 2013

Doctor Who 50th Anniversary: The Doctor's Daughter

Doctor Who: 
The Doctor’s Daughter 
By Stephen Greenhorn

“I never would. Have you got that? I never would. When you start this new world, this world of Human and Hath, remember that. Make the foundation of this society a man who never would.”

After stopping the Sontarans from turning the Earth in a clone hatchery The Doctor, Martha, and Donna find themselves in an out of control TARDIS which lands them on Messaline and right in the middle of war between the humans and The Hath.  But that isn’t the only thing that happens to The Doctor.  It looks like he also directly creates his own daughter when his hand is put in a Progenation machine. 

The Doctor’s Daughter is one of those Doctor Who stories where there are two types of species fighting a war that they have no idea why they are fighting it as it has lasted for a very long time.  What we do know is that both groups are trying to get to the source which appears to be a great weapon when in reality it is not.  What it turns out to be is a terraforming machine which was supposed to help them colonize the planet.   

The Doctor’s Daughter was another of those stories that also dealt with violence and how to stop someone by not killing them.  There are a few good scenes where The Doctor tries to explain this to Jenny about not using violence and to not kill because that is not what he would do.  It is another of the tried and true formulas that is used over again on Doctor Who.   It just wasn’t that strong of a story and was just mildly entertaining.  It just fell flat as we have seen this type of story before and done a lot better.

There is a really great scene at the end when Jenny is killed by General Cobb and then The Doctor confronts Cobb with the gun as he points it at Cobb and then lowers it.  He then says a great line “I never would” and then tells both armies to make the foundation of their new society be that of the man who never would.  A great moment in the shows history and definitely a bright point to a story that is well just mediocre. 

That’s the problem with The Doctor’s Daughter is that it is just an ordinary story that has the dubious notion of having The Doctor making a clone daughter.  Otherwise it isn’t all that special it is just mediocre and well a bit of a filler.  Plus did we really need to have Martha in this story at all as she didn’t add much to the story as she was just left outside with a Hath walking around looking for a way back in.  At least Freema got paid for it.

The Doctor’s Daughter a story with some good moments in it but as a story as a whole it is just ordinary and very mediocre.  I just couldn’t really get into this story at all once the reveal of what his daughter really was.  I mean it was a good gimmick but it was just that a gimmick.  Well at least David Tennant met his future wife during this story as he ended up marrying Georgia Moffett a couple years later. 
Grade C

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