The Gallifreyan Gazette Pages

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Change My Dear..... And not a moment too soon.

Blog Report By Ken Parker

This Knights Blog went live April 9, 2011 but its origins started 24 years early with the formation of The Knights of the White Guardian fan club and its newsletter, From Below the Citadel – The Gallifreyan Gazette. That newsletter regenerated several times over the years with its latest incarnation being the blog site in 2011. As with the latest Doctor Who story, once again, we will be regenerating.

Our title banner and overall look will comprise the majority of the changes. We are bringing back The Gallifreyan Gazette and changing our appearance to a more traditional newspaper like look. We are also getting rid of our ever changing banner photos and instead including a series of Gallifreyan writing which may actually mean something! We will no doubt tweak things as we go along but we hope you like the changes.

Content-wise we discussed the option of just going with Doctor Who but felt we wanted to keep things open for all things sci-fi and fantasy. We do heavily favor Doctor Who and will continue to do so in the future. We are always looking for contributors for articles and such.

Expect the changes to happen over the next few days with some testing and experiments along the way. The web address and most everything will remain the same.

We are always looking for feedback.

I want to thank Christopher Parker for some of the design work.

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