The Gallifreyan Gazette Pages

Friday, December 20, 2013

Person of Interest - Mid Season TV Report

By Ken Parker

CBS - Tuesdays

Initial Thoughts – My initial thoughts on Person of Interest back before season 1 aired was that this was basically an Equalizer clone. This is not a bad thing but depending on how it went, would depend on if I would continue to watch it. Very soon it was obvious that the series is more sci-fi than I thought and was so important as it is all about privacy, identities and personal freedoms. A machine that can scan and predict future actions is not that sci-fi for our today's society. This show soon became one of my favorites and this season has promoted it to my favorite.

The Plot – The strengths of POI is stories and characters. The characters have been beautifully crafted and all compliment one another. From Shaw, Carter, Fusco and Root, this supporting cast work perfectly with Reese and Finch. Some of this is casting, some, writing. Throw these characters into different situations, some funny, others serious and you can do no wrong. The show deals with a lot of flashbacks that fill in the gaps and gives the viewers some idea on why these characters are the way they are. It does this with amazing detail and stays true to the characters.
Okay, that was kind of hot.

The Highlights – WOW. The three part story which sees tragedy and conclusion to a couple of ongoing plot lines was an incredible and tense 3 hours. Just when you thought a character might get killed off, they survive but in the next episode, someone is not so lucky. Then the characters must deal with their own demons and get it together to deal with a bigger issue that Root keeps going on about. Amy Acker, Sarah Shahi, Michael Emerson, Jim Caviezel, Taraji P. Henson and Kevin Chapman deserve much of the credit for an incredible season but the creators and writers are right there as well in producing an amazing show.

The Future – The show has slowly revealed information about the machine and the world around it. The show has not moved too fast to unload all of its secrets but is revealing enough to keep it fresh and exciting. I can't imagine where this show is going now as so much has been unpredictable. What is the machine? Is there another? How is Root involved? Will Shaw smile? It is all good. The show is doing well in the ratings.

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