The Gallifreyan Gazette Pages

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Agents of SHIELD Adds Bill Paxton As John Garret

Bill Paxton will be joining the cast of Agents of SHIELD playing John Garret for at least four episodes beginning late February or early March.  This will be a pretty good twist and should make things interesting bringing in a little know character from the comic books. Here is what Jed Whedon had to say about it.

We wanted to bring in a rough-and-tumble former cohort of Agent Coulson with a little bit of attitude and cigar-smoking swagger.

. . . when Garrett got his promotion to Level 7, he refused to sit behind a desk and doesn't like the formalities of S.H.I.E.L.D. He's going to help Coulson solve some mysteries and is not afraid to rig an explosive or two.

Source: IO9

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