The Gallifreyan Gazette Pages

Monday, January 27, 2014

Doctor Who - Big Finish and Dark Eyes Wins BBC Audio Drama Award

Big Finish has won an award.  In fact a pretty prestigious award for their audio adventure Dark Eyes which starred Paul McGann and if you haven't picked it up it is truly a really great story to listen too.  The BBC Audio Drama Award were announced yesterday and Big Finish took home the award for Best Online or Non-Broadcast Drama for Doctor Who - Dark Eyes: The Great War.  This is a pretty cool award for Big Finish and the Doctor Who audio adventures as they were a big part of Doctor Who and helped fill the void when the show was not on the air and now as a compliment to the new show.  Steven Moffat had this to say.

'I am completely thrilled, I am air-punching. In the wilderness years, when Doctor Who was off the air, Big Finish did so much to keep the legend alive in the hearts and minds of the fans. Now, in this time of Who abundance, it is beyond exciting to see their excellent work recognised. Hopefully this award will bring the Big Finish audios to the attention of an even wider public. Recently, on TV, we saw how the Paul McGann Doctor died - now it's time to find out he lived.'
You can get Dark Eyes at the Big Finish website for its original pre - order price and Big Finish has extended its sale till Tuesday of 8th Doctor audio adventures to celebrate this win with the fans.  You can read the full story at this link.

You can purchase Dark Eyes here

8th Doctor Audio Sale

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