The Gallifreyan Gazette Pages

Monday, January 13, 2014

Peter Parker Returns In April's The Amazing Spider - Man

For those who have not been following the adventures of Spider - Man in the comic books will not see this news to be a big deal.  What you did not know is that Doctor Octopus took over Peter Parker's body and sent Peter Parker's brain into his dying body.  So in essence Peter Parker died in Doctor Octopus's body and the evil genius has spent 30 issues as Spider - Man. So starting in April as part of yet another Marvel reboot of their monthly titles Peter Parker will once again be Spider - Man.  The New York Daily News announced this morning after the news leaked last Wednesday and now it is official.  Spider - Man head writer Dan Slott had this to say about the reboot of the book.

“We’ve gone over 30 issues without Peter Parker, so when we let him out of that box and he gets to put on that costume again and he gets to swing through the sky, it’s going to be the greatest feeling,”

It will be curious to see how Peter Parker comes back since the last time we saw his ghost inside the body of Doc Ock and well we know what happened to that body.

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