The Gallifreyan Gazette Pages

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Doctor Who - Synopsis For Starborn

March's Companion Chronicles features a 1st Doctor story with Vicki joining him as his companion.  the story is performed by Maureen O' Brien who played Vicki during the Hartnell era. You can order this from the Big Finish website.

On a visit to early 20th Century Earth, Vicki receives a warning - if she leaves in the TARDIS, then she will die.

Unable to join her friends, Vicki is given an audience by a psychic called Violet, who contacts voices beyond this mortal plain.

And one of those voices is Vicki herself, who reveals what will happen at the ship’s next landing place - and what terrible fate awaits...
Written By: Jacqueline Rayner
Directed By: Lisa Bowerman 

Maureen O'Brien (Vicki), Jacqueline King (Violet)

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