The Gallifreyan Gazette Pages

Sunday, February 23, 2014

'Heroes Reborn:" A few details about the 2015 mini-series

"Heroes" is returning, but perhaps without the original cast.
Like Claire Bennet, the indestructible cheerleader, you can't kill "Heroes."
The series that took off like a comet in the network TV sky during its first season in 2006 before crashing to earth is returning. We posted a teaser video earlier. Now, we have a few details. Actually, very few.
"Heroes Reborn" will be a 13-part mini-series, not a full-fledged regular series.
The big question on the minds of fans who adored the premiere season and would rather forget much of what followed is whether they will see any favorites from the original cast. The answer is unclear.
"Until we get closer to air in 2015, the show will be appropriately shrouded in secrecy, but we won’t rule out the possibility of some of the show’s original cast members popping back in," Jennifer Salke, president of NBC Entertainment, said in a statement.
One person who will be back is creator Tim Kring.
In the meantime, NBC plans it will introduce new story lines and new characters through a web series.
Now, we wait.

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