The Gallifreyan Gazette Pages

Friday, March 7, 2014

The Web of Fear Breaks Doctor Who DVD Record

The Web of Fear has broken the 1st week sales record for classic Doctor Who releases.  BBC Worldwide has confirmed today the The Web of Fear has broken the record held by The Enemy of the World by selling 15,000 DVD's.  The Web of Fear was found along with The Enemy of the World by Philip Morris and was revealed back in October when the were released on iTunes.  Fiona Eastwood of BBC Worldwide had this to say about the record amount of sales.

“We knew that The Web of Fear would be a popular release; Yetis on the London Underground – need I say more? There’s a real appetite for exploring the extensive back-catalogue of classic stories, particularly following the 50th anniversary last year, and we’re committed to continuing that exploration for Doctor Who fans in the future.”

This is good news for fans of Classic Doctor Who and more to the point of Black and White era of Doctor Who. It is also proof that there is a market for the Missing Episodes of Doctor Who  and if Philip Morris has found more it would be a good idea to hurry up and get them released while the market is hot for them.

Source: Life, Doctor Who & Combom
“We knew that The Web of Fear would be a popular release; Yetis on the London Underground – need I say more? There’s a real appetite for exploring the extensive back-catalogue of classic stories, particularly following the 50th anniversary last year, and we’re committed to continuing that exploration for Doctor Who fans in the future.” - See more at:
“We knew that The Web of Fear would be a popular release; Yetis on the London Underground – need I say more? There’s a real appetite for exploring the extensive back-catalogue of classic stories, particularly following the 50th anniversary last year, and we’re committed to continuing that exploration for Doctor Who fans in the future.” - See more at:
“We knew that The Web of Fear would be a popular release; Yetis on the London Underground – need I say more? There’s a real appetite for exploring the extensive back-catalogue of classic stories, particularly following the 50th anniversary last year, and we’re committed to continuing that exploration for Doctor Who fans in the future.” - See more at:


  1. I am also nervous about this good news. Sure, this may help get the ball rolling on the remaining ME being released and it was good to see that any boycott of the story because of lack of episode 3 had no effect but will the BBC now just release vanilla DVDs without extras? Why spend more and charge more when you can just release the story and make your money? I feel that the formula for future releases could mirror the recent releases WoF and EOTW.

    1. I believe your right. It would be cheaper for them to release a vanilla release and not have to pay the actors money to do the extras. Considering how much money must have to go to Philip Morris and whoever is restoring them the BBC will need to recoup funds pretty quickly. I think with the sales numbers of these two releases has signaled the end of extras on the DVD. But who cares about that I would rather see Marco Polo or Power of the Daleks than watch an extra I might just watch once while I would watch the story many times.
