The Gallifreyan Gazette Pages

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Doctor Who - Synopsis For Big Finish's "The War To End All Wars"

The Companion Chronicles is heading closer to its end but first we have one last adventure from the 1st Doctor era.  This time an adventure with Steven and Dodo and it is a story that has a different twist to it. You can order this story from the Big Finish Website.

Years after he gave up travelling in the TARDIS, Steven Taylor is the deposed king of a distant world.

From the confines of his cell, he shares his story with a young girl called Sida.

And one story in particular – a visit to a whole world at war, which will mark Steven for life…

Written By: Simon Guerrier
Directed By: Lisa Bowerman 

Peter Purves (Steven Taylor), Alice Haig (Sida)

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